David King wrote:
>  From the same PC, which already had Ubuntu 7.10 installed, when I boot 
> into that old Ubuntu installation, I cannot find any option for the 
> Nvidia control panel like I can in Mythbuntu. I want to test TV out in 
> Ubuntu to find out if that will give a colour or black and white output 
> from the same graphics card. I also have a PC running Windows XP with TV 
> out on its Nvidia graphics card (which is similar to the one in the 
> Mythubuntu PC) which gives a colour output on the TV. Both PCs are 
> outputting their S-video via the same Scart switch to the same TV.
> The Nvidia-glx-new driver is installed in Ubuntu, so where is the 
> control panel for Nvidia?

You'll probably have to install it through Synaptic or apt...

There is nvidia-settings which is the control panel and also nvtv which 
is supposedly used to setup the TV out (although I've not tried this).



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