On Wed, 2008-11-05 at 12:19 +0000, Javad Ayaz wrote:
> Does anyone know if any of the open source programs like winff can
> decode from Sony's .oma format. 
> To those who dont know Sony's sonicstage wraps mp3 files in .oma and
> then puts it on the player.
> I dont have access to a windows pc anymore so i would ideally like to
> carry on using something opensource but not lose all my music as well.
> I hope this makes sense
> Regards
> -- 
> Javad

er sorry can't help but I'll back up the request :P I've looked around a
bit but can't find anything. Unless soundconverter works? unlikely...
I have a friend who's just moved completely to linux and he's lost his
whole collection too cos it's in .oma.

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