2008/11/29 alan c <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I was pleased that we could buy the camera we wanted. Also that the
> shop began to get experience of live usb/cd ubuntu, and had seen an
> example of spending power linked to ubuntu.

I wonder if they would have reacted if someone - umm - more - (trying
to be tactful) - less experienced* than yourself had asked the same

I think the shop (and manager) is worthy of praise. Maybe a letter to
head office explaining what you did, and how helpful he was to you,
and how much this influenced your buying decision. You don't have to
spend your money in their store after all, and if they realise that
this is a valuable service.. you never know, some store might end up
with a demo PC some day that anyone can chuck an ubuntu CD/Stick in
and test. Even better, maybe one day they'll sell PCs with Ubuntu
preloaded, and have vast amounts of clue with which to baffle _you_

Meanwhile back on planet earth, a letter would be grand :)


* for experienced, read old :)


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