Christopher Swift wrote:
> Thanks for the response Paul however I can get Steam to work perfect 
> normally through Wine and such clients. The question/discussion was 
> more of what your views are on the possible Steam port and if you are 
> looking forward to it or not? :)
> On a side note, yeah I've been away petition signing, every little helps!
> Regards,
> Chris.
Well a port of steam to Linux as a native program would be welcome,  and 
would really help get more games on to Linux,  so that would be a good 
thing i guess. 


> On Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 9:11 PM, Paul Sutton <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     Christopher Swift wrote:
>     > Hey guys, I'm not sure if this is off-topic for Ubuntu-UK but it
>     > relates to Ubuntu and I think it would be of some interest to you,
>     > just as it was to myself. As fellow /.ers may have heard, the
>     Windows
>     > demo version of Left 4 Dead has some Linux binaries included in the
>     > directory, most notably "".
>     > Here is a link with far more info:
>     >
> <>
>     >
> <
> <>>
>     >
>     > So what does this mean for Ubuntu and GNU/Linux itself? Well, a port
>     > of such a major client in the games industry (Steam) can only be
>     good
>     > for us Linuxers since it will bring more attention to our platforms
>     > because they will want to be able in theory to provide support
>     too for
>     > their games if their competitors are. What are your views on
>     this? Are
>     > you a major gamer too who cannot wait for Steam to port or are you
>     > just a person who is happy for any such port even if it doesn't
>     affect
>     > you?
>     >
>     > Regards,
>     > Chris.
>     codeweavers - crossover games, works with steam or according to the
>     installer thing it comes with it does.  so may be worth having a look
>     at. however at the same time if there is a petition to get steam
>     ported,
>     it may be worth signing that too, the more the merrier.
>     Paul
>     --
>     Support open file formats use ISO 26300 Open Document format
>     DCLUG - chat
>      next meet thurs 27th November 2008 - 7:30 pm shoreline/seafront
>     cafe, paignton details on lug wiki
>     --
> <>


Support open file formats use ISO 26300 Open Document format
DCLUG - chat

 next meet thurs 27th November 2008 - 7:30 pm shoreline/seafront cafe, paignton 
details on lug wiki


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