Not sure about clearing it on logout, but i expect clearing it on login will
do? System>Prefs>Sessions
Add>Command: rm -fr $HOME/* ; cp /etc/skel/* $HOME/
That deletes everyhting in the come dir and then copies the default home dir

2009/1/29 Rob Beard <>

> Hi folks,
> I was wondering if anyone knew how to clear out the home directory on
> Ubuntu when a user logs out?
> Basically what I to achieve is have a script run to automatically when a
> user logs out of their Gnome session so it resets everything back to the
> default.  I've tried putting a couple of commands into .bash_logout to
> see it that works but it doesn't seem to run on a Gnome session logout.
> I just wondered if anyone knew how I could specify a script to run at
> logout for specific users?
> Ta,
> Rob
> --

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