> > 2009/2/7 Chris Rowson <christopherrow...@gmail.com>:
> >> Hi there,
> >>
> >> I don't know if anyone else has come across this, but I'll ask anyway.
> >>
> >> I'm trying to visit iPlayer on my Ubuntu laptop using Firefox, but I
> keep
> >> getting the message 'content unavailable, please try again later' (or
> >> along
> >> those lines). If I visit iPlayer using a Windows PC with Firefox I don't
> >> receive the message.
> >>
> >> I'm pretty sure that it must have something to do with the proxy I have
> >> to
> >> go out through when I'm at this location. It's a Squid proxy (running on
> >> Ubuntu Dapper) and I can only think that there must be some kind of
> >> incompatibility somewhere. If I don't go through the proxy (for instance
> >> if
> >> I'm at home) then iPlayer works fine.
> >>
> >> Has anyone seen anything like this before, does anyone have any
> >> suggestions?
> >
> > Could the squid be blocking the port the media from iPlayer streams on?
> >
> >
> > --
> > Kris Douglas
> >       Softdel Limited Hosting Services
> >       Web: www.softdel.co.uk
> >       Mastil: k...@softdel.co.uk
> >
> > Company No. 6135915
> > Registered in England and Wales
> Have you setup the proxy for Firefox, or for the whole system? If just for
> Firefox, Flash may not be using the proxy, thus the error.

I've set it up for just Firefox. I'm using CrunchBang at the moment and it
doesn't have a general system proxy option like Ubuntu Gnome (as far as I
can see). Sites like youtube work though.


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