Your cause is honorable however for Linux to turn the trend. you must first
prove to those schools that Linux is better and that it can do things far
better than windows. In the Linux community there has to be a leap in ideas
where when the user logs on he/she is presented, ready to use icons on the
desktop, like open office and the if the user places their mouse over the
top the icon gets larger. In the background the programs are already loaded
and when clicked the package opens in less then 2 seconds. When the OS is
first loaded its check the hardware and looks for the drivers. it then
displays them to the user to confirm these driver are ready for download.

These are just some of the ideas that would make Linux more sellable to user
to choose what OS their looking for.

On Sun, Feb 8, 2009 at 8:56 PM, Vinothan Shankar <> wrote:

> I've created a petition to the Prime Minister to make the primary OS in
> schools free and open source - it can be found at
>  To anyone that points
> out I should have suggested Ubuntu for Education, the first submission
> did, but was rejected on the grounds that it was "promoting commercial
> products or services".  The petition should probably also have pointed
> out that schools could keep the same hardware, but petitions there are
> restricted to 1000 characters including spaces.
> Please sign.
> --

Robert Flatters, AMBSC

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