Last night Mike came over to install Ubuntu 8.10 on my netbook. It went 
went well, and I just wanted to say thank you so much for helping me 
out. I really appreciate it. I have been fiddling with it this morning, 
and getting myself acquainted with the system, and installing a few 
extra things, which I need. Its working really well, and I've had no 
problems with it at all. I'm using it now to send this e-mail.

I just wanted to say thank you so much, I really appreciate what you did.

Also I use Thunderbird as my e-mail client, and have installed it, with 
no problems, but I also use Lightening as my Calendar, connected to 
google calendar. For some reason, I cant seem to install Lightening. I 
was just wondering, if somebody could tell me which installation I need 
to use, plus the add on, Google Calendar Provider, to connect with 
google. Does anybody know what I need?

Thank you.



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