I wrote:
> mac wrote:
> > would I get better results with something a bit more expensive?
> Digital video connectors would be useful, if all your kits 
> supports it.

To expand this point, what you generally get by spending more money is
better support for higher resolution video. If you only want to do
1024x768 @ 60Hz over a VGA connector, then any old second-hand rubbish
will do. If you want 1280x1024 @85Hz then you'll need to shell out in
the region of 50 quid. If you want 1080p widescreen over DVI then you
may be looking at nearly 100 quid or more.

Andrew Oakley
Head of Software Development
Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA)
95 Promenade, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL50 1HZ
T 01242 211460  F 01242 211122  W www.hesa.ac.uk



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