The Creative HS Fatal1ty "just works" as it plugs into the mic and
audio out sockets on your soundcard - £30 though which may be more
than you're willing to spend. You might just need to fiddle with the
mic gain a bit in the audio panel but thats about it.

I'd be careful with some of the USB solutions however - I'd imagine
that, given that they bypass your soundcard altogether, some of them
will have driver issues...

Hope that helps

> Hey,
> I'm interested in talking with a friend who uses Windows over the
> internet. I'm going to have to buy a headset and use a service that's
> available on Windows and GNU/Linux (I'm thinking Skype). I also need a
> headset that works with GNU/Linux fine so that I can talk to and hear
> the person on the other end. They live in Sweden so talking to them
> over the internet seems like the cheapest option (as the only cost is
> me buying the headset).
> Can anyone point me in the direction of a headset they've used with
> Ubuntu and provide me with any tips setting something like this up?
> Thanks,
> Jai
> --

'In letters of gold, on a snow-white kite, I will write "I Love You!"
And send it soaring high above you, for all to read!'

RIP Billy M 1957-1997


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