The attraction of the netbook is the small size. The 1000H model would 
be too big, the 904 would be a good size and with a hard disk would 
provide plenty of storage that is missing on the SSD-based netbooks.

David King

Rob Beard wrote:
> On 13/03/2009 11:59, David King wrote:
>> I recently found out that Asus now do an EEE PC netbook with a hard
>> drive, the 904 version, but although the Asus website says it is
>> available with Windows XP or Linux, I can only find XP versions for sale
>> in the UK.
>> Anyone know a place selling them with Linux?
>> If I buy one with XP, I can of course reformat and install Linux, but I
>> don't want to pay extra for XP when I could have a Linux one, especially
>> as in the past Asus have priced Linux versions more cheaply or given
>> more hardware than with XP versions.
>> David King
> Funny you should say that, Aria have got the Windows version on offer at 
> the moment at £263 inc VAT, but for a tenner more you can get the EeePC 
> 1000H (with 160GB hard drive) for £275 inc VAT (so for an extra 12 quid 
> you get another inch to play with) - *
> Rob
> *


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