On Fri, 2009-04-03 at 22:12 +0100, Ian Pascoe wrote:
> Guys and Gals
> Some help please.
> Had planned this weekend to set up one of those nice little Viglen MPC's,
> curtesey of the now Series 2 UK Podcast, to act as a File Server connected
> to my home LAN with a couple of USB drives attached.  This is my first
> attempt to get this type of setup working, and was going to go for the SAMBA
> File Server and Print Server options as I have both Ubuntu and Windows
> machines.
> My problem is that my trusty USB CD Drive has disappeared into the back of
> some cupboard or another and I can't find it.
> Can, and if I can how do I, run the Server Live CD from a USB drive - pen or
> HD?  I know that the Desktop comes with the option to put a copy on this
> type of media , but can't find anything as to how to do it for the Server
> Live CD.
> Pointers please?
> Ian

Forgot to say, unetbootin is your friend, big time. It makes USB boot
drives from cdimages. It's in the repos

-Matt Daubney


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