On Tue, 2009-04-14 at 16:52 +0100, Rob Beard wrote:
> doug livesey wrote:
> > Hi -- I have set up a database server at work that I currently run 
> > backups on myself, but wish to put this into a cron job.
> > One of the things I would like to do is to have that backup take 
> > place, then to have it copied over to our work's windows network, 
> > where it can be caught in our nightly backup to tape.
> > Could anyone offer me some pointers as to how I should write this 
> > script, particularly with reference to how I get on to & navigate the 
> > windows network?
> > Thanks,
> >    Doug.
> Presumably you'd want your backup script to copy the data to the Windows 
> machine with the tape drive on it?
> What you'll need to do is mount a share on the Window server.  If you 
> install the smbfs package you'll be able to use either smbmount or mount 
> with the type cifs or smbfs (although IIRC smbfs is being replaced by cifs).
> I normally do this when backing up machines using Partimage on the 
> System Rescue CD.
> I'd enter a command such as...
> sudo mount -t cifs -o username=myusername,password=mypassword 
> //server/share /mnt/mountpoint
> Where myusername is the username of the user who is connecting to the 
> share, mypassword is the users password, you can also store the password 
> in a password file.  If it was me I'd create a basic user with limited 
> access to just the one share and nothing else, that way if the password 
> was compromised then it should in theory limit the access that that 
> particular user can access.  I believe you can also specify a domain too 
> using domain=mydomain.
> //server/share is the address of the server and the share name, this can 
> also be an ip address for instance //
> Note the slashes are forward slashes rather than backslashes but still 
> are double slashes (//).
> Finally /mnt/mountpoint points to a mount point on the Linux box running 
> the script.
> To unmount the share just use sudo umount /mnt/mountpoint
> If you're always going to use the same share you could also put the 
> details in fstab which should then resolve the need to mount the share 
> as root (using sudo).
> You can find plenty of information too in the smbmount man page (man 
> smbmount) after you have installed the smbfs package.
> Basically once the share is mounted on the Linux filesystem then it 
> should work pretty much like any other file or directory although 
> anything you store in there will be owned by the user you used to mount 
> the share.
> Hope this helps.
> Rob

While Robs method is fine, I would be inclined to aim at a more secure
solution of setting up SSH on the machine you would be sending backups
to for inclusion on tape and then SFTP'ing over the backup file(s).



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