Harry Rickards wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Rob Beard wrote:
>> Harry Rickards wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> I'd love to install the Jaunty Netbook Remix on my old Dell C610, but it
>>> doesn't boot off of a USB drive. Has anyone found a way to either remove
>>> un-needed stuff from the .img file and convert it into a bootable CD
>>> .iso (the C610 doesn't have a DVD drive), or convert it into an image
>>> that's bootable from a PXE Server (like the one installed in a Ubuntu
>>> LTSP Install by default)?
>> If I'm right you should be able to install the standard Ubuntu Desktop 
>> image and then install the ubuntu-netbook-remix on top of it with 
>> Synaptic or apt-get.
>> Hope this helps.
>> Rob
> Ok, thanks. I'll try that now. After I install the ubuntu-netbook-remix
> package, would it be safe to remove the ubuntu-desktop package?
Not sure about that as I haven't actually done any testing yet.  From 
what I understand normally things like the Gnome Desktop etc are linked 
into the Ubuntu-desktop package so it might be a good idea to keep 
them.  If you try and remove ubuntu-desktop it should tell you what 
packages will be removed along with it.



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