On Sat, 2009-04-25 at 14:14 +0100, Christopher Dalby wrote:

> On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 01:38:10PM +0100, Farran Lee wrote:
> > hi all
> > sorry to sound like I'm doubting Jaunty... I'm not, it's just I'm wary
> > for a few reasons:
> > 
> > - I've had lots of trouble with upgrades before
> > - my ubuntu currently installed has a few (several) weird issues
> > - I'm about to start exams
> > 
> > So, would you say it's safe and stable enough for me to just click
> > 'upgrade' and leave it? Perhaps there are files I could pastebin for you
> > to check out, to see if my system will throw up errors?
> > Sorry to be awkward :P I just don't have the time for a broken computer,
> > yet I really would like to upgrade it
> > 
> > thanks :)
> > ===================================
> > Farran Lee
> > I'm only 16 :P
> > -- 
> > ubuntu-uk@lists.ubuntu.com
> > https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-uk
> > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/
> Hi all, Hi Farran!  (my first post to the mailing list, be gentle)
> I only upgrade via a fresh install from one LTS to another.... Im on
> Hardy Heron, and previously on Dapper Drake.... I like
> stability!  
> Besides, I use Fluxbox with mainly text/console apps, so the latest
> and greatest doesn't really bother me...
> Sometimes it is better to wait and see how a new distro works out and
> wait for the bugs to be ironed out....especially if you are on your
> main and/or only desktop.
> RoboNuggie

Welcome to the lists, Chris/RoboNuggie! :P
yeash, this is my only desktop, I'm looking to get a laptop soon and I
was gunna have a triple-linux boot, but I never got round to it... I
guess that the safest option atm is just to wait. I was hopeful that
perhaps people knew if the installer had some kind of fail-safe that
fixed broken installations hehe... hmm I can wait. I want to play with
the new version, but I guess that's also a bad idea during exams. Cos
then I won't revise, and I'll be sat in the exam hall thinking about the
new things Ubuntu does - not good :)

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