On Mon, April 27, 2009 12:57, Stephen Garton wrote:
> Afternoon All,
> I have a spare drive in my machine, formatted as fat32. All of the
> folders in this drive (automounts to /media/storage) as listed as
> being owned by root. When I try to change this (I've tried sudo
> chown -R and sudo nautilus) I get permission denied errors.
> Any idea why this would be, and/or how I can change the permissions
> to my user?
> Thanks,

I'm not infront of a linux box at the moment so I can't test this,  but
you should be able to set the permissions when you mount the drive.

sudo mount -t vfat /dev/<hd> /<destination> -ouid=1000,gid=1000

or something similar, check "man mount" for more info/exact command.

You can do something similar in /etc/fstab too, so you can have it happen
automagically on boot.

Chris Bannister
email/msn/jabber: ch...@suddenmoves.org.uk


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