You also have to account for the fact that the server might be at high 
capacity, so you might not get full speed, etc, etc, hence my 
conservative guess of 3mins, but yes, easily inside 5mins anyway, and 
that's two copies, so Ubuntu AND Kubuntu ;)

-- Mehall

Harry Rickards wrote:
> On 3 May 2009, at 21:25, Michael Douglas <> wrote:
>> 100 Mbit/s? Best guess inside of 3mins.
>> Harry Rickards wrote:
>>> On 3 May 2009, at 21:18, David King <> wrote:
>>>> I was watching the BBC News 24 TV programme "Click" broadcast this
>>>> weekend. When they were testing a 100 Mbit/s broadband connection,
>>>> they
>>>> used it to download two copies of Ubuntu 9.04 simultaneously. A good
>>>> advert for Ubuntu.
>>> Just out of interest, how long did it take?
>>> Many thanks
>>> Harry Rickards (a.k.a l33tmyst)
> I suppose now I think of it, the CD is approx 700 MB, so multiply that  
> by 8 and you get 5600 Mb. If the connection is 100 Mb/s, one copy will  
> take roughly 56 seconds so two will take approx (I just know some  
> broadband expert will come and give me some value I haven't factored  
> in, like surely the ping to the server should be in there somewhere) 1  
> min 52 sec.
> Many thanks
> Harry Rickards (a.k.a l33tmyst)


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