Do you have a URL for WebFaction?

David King

Andrew Turner wrote:
> 2009/6/4 Neall Mclaren <>:
>> I've just migrated to O2's LLU service which costs me £9 per month for upto
>> 20 meg download (I get 13 as an actual speed). Hosting isn't really my area
>> but Web Faction let you pleay arround quite a bit and will let u SSH into
>> the box. They are expensive and they run a falvour of BSD pus the are bassed
>> in Texas.
> WebFaction are very good value for money, actually. They are a UK
> based company, but the data centre is in Texas. They run CentOS, not a
> BSD.
> They are particularly good if you want to run Django or Rails applications.
> Cheers,
> Andrew


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