is also a good friend, do 
let me know if you find a supplier I don't already have on the list.


alan c wrote:
> I know that google is a good friend, however it is also nice to talk
> about such things.....
> I have a friend of a friend who wants to buy a Ubuntu laptop. She has
> already checked out that the 10 inch mini units have displays which
> are to small for her elderly eyesight, so the question was passed to
> me about a conventional laptop, preinstalled with Ubuntu.
> I see that Dell only now offer a netbook (10V) with Ubuntu, or at
> least I could not find anything else and their online sales chatline
> confirmed this.
> I asked Novatec sales if they knew of any of their laptops which would
> run ok fully with ubuntu, but they said they did not know and had no
> information, but did know they did not have any linux support
> including any drivers.
> I also asked Novatech sales if I would be allowed to try ubuntu on one
> of their display units - I am close to the Reading showroom - but they
> said I would not be allowed.
> Sad, because I would have liked to support both Dell and Novatech, but
> I do not want any guessing, I need good information.
> I am aware of and this is an obvious possibility.
> Any comments please?


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