Jason Liquorish wrote:
> Sean Miller wrote:
>> Possibly quicker to choose manual partitioning and tell it not to format 
>> the /home partition (or / if that is where /home is) - but, of course, 
>> backing up too is a definite necessity but will save time restoring.
>> Sean
> Would there not be a possibility that some of the configuration files 
> within home from 9.04 would not be compatible with 8.10 due to the fact 
> some applications will be going back a few versions?
> I am sure I broke Liferea when I tried to feed it a configuration file 
> from a newer version a while back.
That can be a problem.  In theory you could boot a LiveCD, find the home 
folder and rename it, reinstall and don't format the home partition, 
then the existing data will be intact and stuff can be dragged over on 
an app by app basis.



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