On 27 Jun 2009, at 17:52, Matthew Daubney <m...@daubers.co.uk> wrote:

> <snip>
>> Hi Matt, oh dear, he comes some more of my ignorance, what is a  
>> VPS. My
>> host is called EUKHost, and I have a shared server. I cant get them  
>> to
>> open up about this, but some of the things that I have on there  
>> such as
>> the MODX CMS and Wordpress conflict with mod_security, and it has  
>> to be
>> tirned off. They wont fix it because it will affect the other sites  
>> if
>> it does. Will that have been what could have caused this? My  
>> domains are
>> hamstercareforum.co.uk and furrycritters.co.uk. How can you find out
>> about the security of them. I used to belong to a rescue, dont do  
>> much
>> now, but the info is about the animals I used to look after, and it  
>> has
>> a forum on there as well. I do have a few animals here.
>> I just took a look and the sites still arent showing.
>> John
> Hiya,
> A VPS is a Virtual Private Server. Essentially its a virtual machine  
> on
> someone elses server. By the looks of it, yours is just a single  
> server
> sharing some resources. Based on the fact that it doesn't appear to  
> have
> a firewall installed, I'd immediatley be a bit suspicious. phpBB and
> Wordpress can sometimes be broken into, but if you're on shared  
> storage,
> then I'd ask if it was just your stuff that was taken down. I'm not  
> sure
> how to look up the ip address to see what else was on there, but it  
> may
> be that someone elses dodgy install of something gave access.
> There are a million and one things that could be the cause here, but
> chances are, it wasn't something you can control.
> -Matt Daubney

It's called reverse IP lookup - I'm not at home at the moment but will  
be in a few minutes, so if you haven't found a site via Google I'll  
post back.

Sometimes quite interesting to find out the other websites lol


James Milligan


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