John wrote:
> Has anybody seen this, and does anybody have Windows 7 to compare.
> I find this quite interesting though.
> John
I did have Windows 7 installed, in fact I'll be sticking it on the 
wife's PC this week too.  I'd agree with some of the article, I mean a 
lot of things teenagers do now are web based - Facebook, Youtube, Gmail, 
Hotmail, MySpace, Twitter, Bebo, hey even MSN is now web based.  
Whenever my step kids (who are all in their teens) use the PC they fire 
up a browser, they never bother looking at any of other applications 
(never mind if they're on a Windows or Ubuntu based PC).

Of course this wouldn't apply to everyone, some people still do need 
Windows apps or some do use Linux apps, but for the basic user who just 
wants to keep in touch with their friends then usually they just need a 
browser (hey my step kids have even happily used the browser on the Wii).



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