On Monday 06 July 2009 23:05:57 LeeGroups wrote:
> Colin Murphy wrote:

> > I am very tempted to take the time to root my G1, maybe even run Debian
> > arm, unless there is a Ubuntu equivalent, he says, desperately trying to
> > claw the thread back on topic.
> Root it, it's a piece of cake, if a little scary in places... Let's you
> use newer versions of Android month before they are generally available.
> I was running the JF version which include most of the cupcake updates
> back in Feb, with all the multi-touch and auto-rotation stuff all working!

Have you been tempted to go one stage further and install something other than 
Android?  If you have, what advantages are there?

Gotta go, things to be, people to do, and stuff to, err, stuff.


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