darren.mans...@opengi.co.uk wrote:
>> Hi thank you for your message, well that sort of defeats the object
> for
>> me really as I want to learn the commands. Its kind of frustrating
> that
>> there isnt something available for beginners to read for ssh. I know
>> people have given me some urls but they are quite intense and expect
>> people to already have some knowledge of what they are talking about,
> so
>> its very hard making my way through them.
>> Plus after finding out last night that I might have a problem with the
>> terminal not recocnising folders where they are supposed to be, it
> sort
>> of was why I wanted help pc to pc, to make sure.
>> Nothing is ever easy is it.
>> John.
>> --
> I think what you're really trying to find out is how to use the shell.
> SSH and the shell are 2 different things, SSH is the method of
> connecting into a shell over a network. To actually do stuff once you're
> connected you use standard Linux/Unix commands such as ls, rm, mv, cp
> etc. This is pretty good http://www.reallylinux.com/docs/basic.shtml 
> For using SSH, it's a different set of commands. As I said SSH is just a
> method of connecting. There are other things that have been added
> alongside SSH such as SCP and SFTP, which are just ways of copying files
> over SSH. Just google SSH tutorial for that.
> Darren

Hi Darren,

Well see I didnt know that, and I am so glad that you have explained it. 
This is something that I came across last night, whilst trying to upload 
a file from my Dektop to my website using shell commands, or at least 
trying to. Something that I found out after a while was that you need a 
Terminal open for the Desktop and one for the Remote server. I just 
could not get my Terminal to recognise that there was a file on my 
desktp that needed to be transfered, kept saying no file found. This is 
something that is really frustrating me that I couldnt get that to work, 
which was why I asked about pc to pc help.

I am sorry about all the questions, I think I already frightened 
somebody off, which I am really sorry about if I have. :(



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