javadayaz wrote:
> its a cable connection. with virgin.
> its a linkys router. not sure of what model. i will check and revert back.
Ahh in that case I assume the modem is the standard cable modem that 
Virgin supply?

In that case you'll just need to setup forwarding on the router and 
setup some sort of Dynamic DNS account.  As I mentioned, is a 
good one and it's free.  What you need to do is setup an account and 
choose what you want your subdomain and domain to be.  The subdomain bit 
can be a word for instance which you will remember for instance javad 
and the domain bit can be any of the pre-defined domains (,,, etc).  So for instance if you 
chose javad to be the subdomain name and then your DynDNS 
domain would be

Once you have chosen it you should then be able to configure your router 
to tell DynDNS what the IP address is which Virgin will assign you (this 
can change from time to time, not too sure how often it changes).

When it's configured you can than open the web browser on your phone and 
browse to the DynDNS you chose and the port number for Tranmission such 
as and you should get the transmission web 
interface (assuming Transmission is running).



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