Andrew Williams wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 06:33:23PM +0100, William Anderson wrote:
>> I'm not young, and I'm not in the North West of England.  I know these
>> messages aren't very frequent, but still ...
> Suprisingly, this is one of the best lists in the UK to announce open
> source events to, as the Ubuntu UK list covers alot of UK foss users who
> don't really post or get involved anywhere else.
> Do we have any official guidance on the posting of events to the list?
Hi Andrew,

It wouldn't hurt to add [EVENT] to the subject of future mailings. 
Personally, I have no objections to people raising events that, in best
judgment, are of interest to Ubuntu users in the UK.  However, if the
list becomes overwhelmed by many events then i might think differently.

I'm not expecting more than a couple of [EVENT]'s per week, so i don't
think it will add too much traffic to the list.  However, what do others

Kind Regards,
Dave Walker


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