javadayaz wrote:
> submit a request to the listen team.they'll add it for you.
>> On 20 Sep 2009 16:50, "Stephen Garton" <
>> <>> wrote:
>> Afternoon all,
>> I've just installed Google Listen on my Android phone, and I can't
>> find the ubuntu-uk podcast on it :-(
>> Does anyone know if it (Listen) is like itunes, and feeds have to be
>> 'submitted'? I've found a couple of the BBC podcasts I listen to on
>> there, but not sure how the search works.
>> Steve Garton

I have been checking this daily, and also following the related mailing
list.  It does seem that they do not want direct requests, but are
adding the slowly.  Gradually, more FOSS and Linux related podcasts are
starting to appear, show keep watching!

Kind Regards,
Dave Walker


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