Tony Arnold wrote:
> Rob,
> Rob Beard wrote:
>> I'm running Karmic on my notebook and this morning it had a whole load 
>> of packages (about 600MB worth) to upgrade.  After upgrading I noticed 
>> that it has the new flashy Splash screen which although not as seemless 
>> as what I've seen, it looks nice.  I also noticed that the theme has 
>> changed (for the better I'd say).
>> I just wondered if this upgrade is the Beta version of Karmic which is 
>> due any time now?
> A beta CD is due to be released tomorrow[1], so I guess all the updates
> today would bring you roughly in line with that.
> I like the new theme too. Last I saw, the GDM theme was still a bit
> unpolished, IMHO. Maybe today's updates have fixed that.
> Regards,
> Tony.
> [1]
I see, not long then until the full release.  It's certainly looking 
good if still a little bit slow.  I think I'll probably backup 
everything and do a fresh install when the final version is released and 
get rid of Vista at last (I've not used it in months and it's eating up 
60GB or so on my hard drive).

I do like the new Ubuntu Software Center too, I know a few people who 
that will appeal to.



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