John Matthews wrote:
> Rob Beard wrote:
>> John Matthews wrote:
>>> Hi I am trying to get my Laptop to see the windows partition and the pc 
>>> and netbook, but it wont mount. How can I set up networking?
>>> John.
>> You're trying to get the laptop to see the Windows partition on the 
>> laptop or another PC?
>> If it's on the laptop itself then it should appear on Places.  For 
>> instance my Vista partition appears under Places as a 63GB Filesystem.
>> If you click on Network on the Places menu what do you get?
>> On my laptop I get an icon for my laptop and also a Windows Network 
>> icon.  Double clicking on the Windows Network icon comes up with some 
>> more icons work the workgroups on my network and going into one of these 
>> icons displays icons for the machines in the workgroup.
>> Rob
> Hi I get only the Windows Network Icon, not the Laptop one. I used to 
> get both before I upgraded. I click on the Windows one and it says 
> unable to mount. I am connected via router and ethernet cable to my pc. 
> So it should work.
> John
Can you check your sharing settings?

If I remember correctly when I upgraded it backed up my existing Samba 
configuration file and replaced it with a default one.

I wonder if Samba isn't running? (Not sure if it'll make any difference 
or not).



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