LeeGroups wrote:
>> The new house will be on a relatively new-build estate - is it likely 
>> that the ADSL connection will be so reliable as to be not worth having 
>> a fallback at all?
> LoL - That's what a mate of mine said a couple of years ago when he 
> moved to a new estate in Milton Keynes...
> Nice shiney house, but his ADSL connection is now a breathtaking 450 *K* 
> Bits/sec...
> Yes, that's correct - less than 1/2 MBit...
> Lee
If I remember correctly, I read somewhere (possibly ADSLGuide) that Milton 
Keynes is one of the worst areas for ADSL broadband from what I understand.  I 
gather it's down to some phone lines installed in the 80's and 90's using 
aluminum cable which is fine for POTS but not much cop for ADSL etc.

There's something about it here: 

Luckily for some in Milton Keynes though, BT have picked them for a Fibre To 
The Premises trial...


Personally, I'm glad I have the option of Virgin.  I can't really grumble 
really as with ADSL I was able to get about 7.2MBit/sec and if I'd gone down 
the Talktalk route I would have been able to get nearer to 17MBit/sec.  I'm now 
pretty happy with Virgin 20Mbit (as much as I'd love 50 Meg broadband, I can't 
see myself really making use of it, maybe when the kids are a bit older and 
want to use the internet it might be worth it).

It's worth taking into account, if you want to use a 3G modem as a backup, make 
sure you can get some reception.  I've got a Vodafone PAYG 3G modem and a Three 
3G contract mobile and I'm hard pushed to get any 3G reception.  I think it's 
due to the location where I am.  Still I can always use dialup if I'm really 
stuck (and I have resorted to this when I was desperate once or twice when my 
ADSL went down).



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