javadayaz wrote:
> And how to upscale? do i just push a button and it will attempt to better?
I've found that generally whatever I use upscales the video anyway to 
fit the resolution.  For instance, MPlayer or Totem
 will happily upscale anything I chuck at it (DVDs, AVI videos) to my 
monitors native resolution, or there abouts otherwise it would only be a 
small square on the screen.

However if I play 720p HD videos, it just displays them at 1280x720 and 
leaves small borders on the screen at the top and bottom (although these 
are hardly noticeable) as my display is 1280x800.  if I try and play any 
1080p video it will scale it down to fit the screen.

I believe there are parameters you can specify to MPlayer (not sure 
about Totem) to change the scaler used.

All this is done using the on board Intel video chipset on my notebook, 
it runs fairly well (my notebook has a Core 2 Duo 2Ghz CPU), so you may 
find your existing on board graphics may be fine, but saying that, 
having the option to offload the decoding to the graphics card will 
possibly benefit you by possibly using less power (the CPU can clock 
down to around 1GHz rather than running at full pelt).



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