Jonathon Fernyhough wrote:
> 2009/11/26 alan c <>:
>> (also to ubuntu forum)
>> Is anyone in UK using Virginmedia mobile internet dongle and yahoo or
>> google accounts?
>> I would be most interested to know if you see the following problems
>> too. tia.
>> Workaround - please see below.
> Have you tried lowering the MTU? This fixes problems on certain sites
> for me quite often.
> e.g..:
> $ sudo ifconfig ppp0 mtu 1400


what does mtu stand for?

also, I am not at all clear about how ppp0 is involved with a mobile
internet dongle, the machine (ppp0??) is self configuring for the
dongle. This of course may be part of the problem.
alan cocks
Ubuntu user


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