Gordon wrote:
> Barry Titterton wrote:
>> On Wed, 2009-12-02 at 13:55 +0000, Gordon wrote:
>>> I have a problem with 9.10 on my Toshiba L40 Satellite 2GB RAM, dual 
>>> core T2330 1.6GHz processors which i don't /think/ happened with 9.04.
>>> Every so often, randomly, there's a loud "click" and the machine 
>>> instantly switches off. Happens with the kernel that ships with 9.10, 
>>> and the updated kernel.
>>> The same doesn't happen with Windows 7 on the same machine - dual boot.
>>> Anyone had this?
>>> Any fix for it?
>> Gordon,
>> I had similar problems with an old Toshiba caused by overheating.
>> Toshiba laptops have a reputation for over heating. I have also heard
>> that Windoze is better at managing power usage on laptops so this may
>> explain why Win7 does not have the same problem. Have you tried cleaning
>> out the CPU heat exchanger? I'm sure our more knowledgeable members will
>> be able to tell me if I've got my information wrong.
>> Barry
> Interestingly, I've reverted to 9.04 and it's not doing it!

An odd update!
I reverted to 9.04 two weeks ago, since when it's been running with no
Decided to update to 9.10 via distribution update, which took about 2 hours.
It then decided to fail after the splash screen with a message about
temperature (too fast to see exact wording) and switch off.
Came down this morning fully decided to revert to 9.04 again, decided to
give it one more try, and it booted! Has been running now for 5 hours
with no signs of suddenly switching off!
Very strange indeed.

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