2009/12/17 alan c <aecl...@candt.waitrose.com>:
> I was using a website, using firefox browser, recently and found that
> the display gave a text overlap of a field I wanted to use, which
> caused difficulty. I informed the site author and the matter is now
> awaiting correction.
> However, when I was in discussion with the site author there was the
> suggestion that it was related to point sizes or font sizes or
> similar, and it seems this item is not a problem when firefox was used
> with windows, only with ubuntu. I am not using windows so I cannot
> check this.
> When I did look again knowing this, I saw that my Ubuntu 8.04.3 had
> firefox 3.0.15 and my Ubuntu 9.10 had firefox 3.5.5  which was not
> (quite) so bad, but still not displaying correctly.
> How is it that different OSs cause say, firefox, to display stuff
> differently? and given that this happens, is it difficult to try to
> use the same parameters in ubuntu as windows, or is there something
> fundamental causing a difficulty?
> My particular difficulty was with the newsletter registration fields
> on the right hand side of the page:
> http://www.hattonmarketing.co.uk/

In FF (I am using 3.5.5 on ubuntu) In View, Zoom select Zoom Text Only
then zooming in/out with CTRL + and CTRL - will fix/exacerbate the
problem.  I think the web designer needs to sort his divs out to
prevent one overlapping the next.



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