On Fri, 22 Jan 2010 15:07:18 -0000, Avi Greenbury  
<avismailinglistacco...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Joe O'Dell wrote:
>> The "not for giving away in the UK" sounds a bit dubious to me, but
>> it doesnt matter, as long as the PCs got a good home!
> I'm guessing it's down to WEEE, under which many companies are scared
> of their kit being found irresponsibly disposed of and being traced
> back to them.
> I've no idea what mechanisms are in place for this, but this is why we
> make people sign a disclaimer when we give old stuff away.
This was the worry of a company a friend worked for when he tried to get a  
few machines off them for his village hall.  In the end he ended up buying  
them off them for 1p each and filling out yards of paper work.  Despite  
all their paranoia they didnt even wipe the drives.



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