On 16/03/10 08:29, Ciarán Mooney wrote:

> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothAudio
> There is a section halfway down on "High Quality" audio, which sounds
> to me what you want.

Definitely :)

I use a bluetooth heaset with my laptop regularly, and it's fine without
blueman or indeed any other packages as of Karmic (maybe earlier). Do
make sure your headset support a2dp though (required for the 'High
quality' option mentioned in the wiki - also known as stereo bluetooth)
- the quality of the standard heaset profile (that you would use with a
mobile phone for making calls) is awful for music or watching videos.

Brief instructions:

* Pair the headset (using the setup new device wizard on the bluetooth
* Go to System > Preferences > Sound
* On the hardware tab, select the bluetooth heaset, and choose the high
quality profile from the drop down
* On the output tab, select your headset

You have to do that last step each time you connect the headset (or at
least I do), but that should get you going. When you disconnect the
headset, the audio falls back to whatever was previously selected.



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