On 22/04/10 15:16, Jon Farmer wrote:
> Hi
> I have installed the Sage Line 500 client under Wine and it installs
> and starts up without a issue.
> However I have noticed that it does not refresh the current view
> correctly. For instance if I am viewing the transactions of a
> particular customer and I chose F6 to page forward the list does not
> refresh properly (it leaves the entries of the previous page visible).
> If you however move to a item and drill down into it goes to the item
> that should be at that location on that page. So it seems like it is a
> client issue with redrawing the screen.
> Anyone have any ideas? Being able to get this to work would be great
> as it is a must have application for my employer.
> Regards
> Jon

All I can think of off the top of my head is making sure that things 
like Compiz are turned off and maybe try another version of Wine (if you 
install PlayOnLinux, it will allow you to install multiple copies of 
Wine which you can try).



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