Quoting Stuart Bird <stuart.bi...@googlemail.com>:

> Hi All
> Does anyone know how I can check the "CFLAGS" settings in Ubuntu (10.4 x64).
> I have a need to run an application that depends on these settings to
> optimise speed but have found that Ubuntu has no "make.conf" file which is
> where I would normally expect to find/tweak these settings.

Gentoo user eh? We'll have none of that "compile from source" nonsense  
around here laddy, it's a binary distro don't-cha-know... :P [0]

> Basically I need to ensure that Ubuntu is multiprocessor aware and that it
> is making use of all the processors and/or cores when a program designed to
> use them all is run.

As far as I can tell (running Lucid x86_64 on  macbook pro 4.1 at the  
moment) all apps that require it are multi-processor aware.

If you want to recompile, just export the CFLAGS variable before you  
recompile the code.

Kind regards,


[0] I've used Gentoo for years, it's still a favourite of mine for  
servers, I just got fed up with a desktop taking 14 days to build!
Matthew Macdonald-Wallace


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