On 13 May 2010 10:21, Matthew Daubney <m...@daubers.co.uk> wrote:
> Have the Italian LoCo got a testing procedure? (i.e. it boots, it fails
> and so on) Also is this burning ISO to CD or could we just throw it onto
> a USB stick to test?

They do! As does the QA team. We can link into all that good stuff.

> I can test pretty much anything these days (can do 32bit/64bit on
> various machines) so am quite happy to help.

Brilliant, just what we need.

> I could probably script this to run in my "unlimited off peak" download
> period, which would make life very easy.

The nice thing is that testdrive can use cool things like 'rsync' and
'zsync' to reduce download requirements, but there will be times when
large downloads will need to be done.

> I'm quite happy to help :)




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