On Friday 14 May 2010 17:06:35 Anton Piatek wrote:
> This has been discussed several times on the Debian lists - there are
> several prototypes or packages that do this already, some even using
> bittorrent, however most of the consensus is that the packages are
> often small and the overhead of p2p is too high to get significant
> gains. Certainly with so many mirrors around you might argue it is too
> much effort (my ISP, virgin, have a mirror on their network so I get
> ridiculously fast apt updates for my system)

If I'm already using "archive.ubuntu.com" while on Virgin, will it use the 
Virgin mirror?  Or do I need to manually specify it?


"It is scientific only to say what is more likely and what less likely,
and not to be proving all the time the possible and impossible."
   -- Richard Feynman


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