Keyboard shortcuts seemed to have been broken since somewhere around 
9.04 - there were various bug reports but it's only just got fixed . . .


On 13/05/10 19:20, Rob Beard wrote:
> On 13/05/10 13:59, Guy Thouret wrote:
>>> although I sometimes wish I could
>>> tweak it to Windows + L
>> Wish granted:
>> System>  Preferences>  Keyboard Shortcuts
>> Guy.
> Great it works!
> I'm not sure why but before when I tried it (before I reinstalled Ubuntu
> the other week) it didn't work.  Might have just been me.  I'm not sure
> if enabling extended keys or whatever the option was has made any
> difference.
> I'm a happy bunny now.  (Yes I'm easily pleased).
> Rob


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