On Tue, 2010-05-18 at 19:50 +0100, Dave Morley <davm...@davmor2.co.uk>

> On Tue, 2010-05-18 at 19:01 +0100, Alan Pope wrote:
> > On 18 May 2010 18:50, Rowan Berkeley <rowan.berke...@googlemail.com>
> wrote:
> > > I've downloaded this from the repository and installed it, but I 
> > > don't know where it has been installed, since it doesn't appear on
> > > any of my menus. Nor of course do I know how to use it. Is there a
> > > tutorial anywhere?
> > 
> > http://popey.blip.tv/file/2384259/> 
> > This video might give you a basic idea of how it works. Cheers, Al.
> > 
> To be honest now I tend to use system->admin->Disk Utility for basic
> partitioning and only resort to gparted when I have to. It's a very
> good tool and a lot more straight forward for new users.

Well now, Dave, I can see system>admin>Partition Editor, which is of
course Gparted, but I can't see anything in there called 'Disk Utility'.
There is something called 'USB Startup Disk Creator'. But Al's video
certainly makes Gparted look easy enough to use. Thanks, Al. People who
recommended I back up the disk contents before venturing on this were
presumably joking, since if I had anything to back them up onto, I
wouldn't need to be doing this in the first place, right? 125GB is a bit
too much to load into onboard memory. I would need to buy another
external hard drive, and if I did that, I could partition it with EXT3
or whatever it's called before backing up the data onto it, couldn't I?
There is some risk of not being able to access the original files after
shrinking the partition they're in, according to the forum, but it's
evidently resolvable. I haven't read the details:


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