On 22 May 2010 22:35, Bruce Durling <bld at otfrom.com <https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-uk>> wrote:

/  Hi,
/>/  I have a friend running Lucid with nvidia and he is having trouble
/>/  with the video drivers//

Hello Bruce,
Have you tried running nvidia-xconfig from the command line?  Are you able
to get to the virtual terminals Ctrl-Alt-F1...

<bit more snipping>

Hi Bruce,

I also had quite a few problems getting the nvidia drivers to work properly. I did get it working eventually (hope that's reassuring!). The following forum solved my problem, after going through forums with similar solutions to what you found above:

I filed a bug which shows my xorf.conf here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nvidia-drivers-ubuntu/+bug/578885

Not sure if that will solve the problem, but may give you a few more leads.

Good luck,



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