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On 29/05/10 11:15, Daniel M. Drummond wrote:

> Tom's Hardware had an interesting articles comparing Lucid with
> Hardy
> http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/ubuntu-10.04-lucid-lynx,2634.html
and this showed a general trend of an increase in performance.

I'll have a look through the article with interest when I get a chance
:)  Thanks for pointing that out :)

> I would be very surprised if Debian boot times were shorter than
> the Ubuntu boot times, given the work that has been put into this
> area. In the most recent Ubuntus I have had a 10 second extra wait
> due to ACPI DSDT problems, but an older kernel won't have this.  In
> that respect sometimes an older distro feels quicker.

Unfortunately it wasn't a scientific test...but on Ubuntu I'd estimate
about 50 seconds to login screen and a further 20 seconds to get GDM
up.  Debian seems to get to the login screen in about the same time
(maybe a little less), but then only takes  <10 seconds to get into a
usable desktop.

> You could always start with a plain server install, and then add
> just the desktop features you want (It'll be a bit simpler than an
> Arch install).  For me though the extra features speed up my
> efficiency in using the system, so any slowdown due to bloat is
> negated by this.

I'm not averse to doing this, and I use a bash script to get the
applications I use regularly installed, so this would be a minor task
after doing it the first time.  I'm going to be trying Fedora 13 again
now that they've done some work on the open ATI drivers and the card
in my laptop now performs well when booting live....there have been
some bold steps forward in the last 3 versions of Fedora anyway (I've
been doing some testing with FreeIPA in VMs as a potential replacement
for Active Directory in the longer term).

> How did the server's compare incidentally?

It's difficult to compare the servers, as they're on wildly different
hardware and perform different functions.  I use CentOS for an old
Asterisk box that's on one of our sites and it's extremely stable and
performs well, I've got 2 Ubuntu servers running as  Ebox domain
controllers, mailservers, etc in 2 of our other businesses, and I use
Debian for Backuppc and our distributed Nagios installations, one of
which is running extremely well on a Sheevaplug, and another is
running in a KVM virtual machine on ProxMox.  I've got other VM's on
the same hardware for our ticketing and asset management systems. I'm
happy with all of them in terms of performance, particularly the
Debian servers given that they are running in very limited hardware

> Dan

Thanks for the feedback Dan :)


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