On 09/06/10 08:35, Colin Law wrote:
> For my ip4300 this information is in the manual, which is provided on
> CD as an installable windows package, not as paper.  Luckily it
> installs and runs happily in Wine on Ubuntu.  Or at least it did until
> I just went to open it to see what 7 flashes means on the 4300, now it
> won't run.  Damn.
I tried to look at the manual on the driver disk I have and found I 
couldn't access it either...  :@(

> Since you changed a cartridge have you checked that the lights on the
> cartridge holder are not flashing?  Assuming it has them of course.

I can't see any lights apart from the two on the top of the machine.
> That has probably been no help at all, sorry.

Thank you for trying.  It did give me some ideas even if they didn't 
play out.  I assumed it was something to do with the cartridge and took 
it out. Flashing pattern changed [1/1].  Put it back in and it changed 
again to a different pattern than before [1/5].  Seems the printer can't 
make up its mind what's wrong...
>> Does anyone have any idea what the printer is trying to tell me???? Why
>> do printer manufacturers have to make things so cryptic?
> It saves on the cost of the printer I suppose.
> Colin
Again, thanks Colin.  You'd think with the obscene profits they make 
from ink, they could afford to put a simple text screen on the damn thing!



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