Hi Raj .....

On Fri, 2010-06-04 at 18:35 +0530, raj_mo...@dell.com wrote:
> We referred your concern of systems not available with the Linux or Ubuntu OS 
> in UK, we have received the update from our internal team 
Following your e-mail and my reply, I have copied this to the UK-Ubuntu
user group.  Members of the group are delighted to hear that Dell will
honour the hardware warranty when one of your machines is re-mastered
with Ubuntu.  

I am writing now to ask you to approach your internal team with a
proposal.  Would Dell UK consider selling a range of machines to our
members with no operating system installed?  The reason I ask is that it
seems ironic for serious Linux users to have to pay for the Microsoft
licence that Dell need to include in their end-user price for machines
supplied with Windows. 

The offer could be made solely via the UK Ubuntu web site with a link to
a special page on Dell UK web-site, and the Dell policy not to support
the software could be made very clear both by UK-Ubuntu and by
yourselves.  Towards this end, one of our members would be pleased to
meet with a member of your team for discussion.

I might mention that there are some exciting things taking place on the
UK-Ubuntu front, and these include a seminar that we have been invited
to address for educationalists.  There is currently serious thought
being given to bringing the use of Ubuntu into schools because of the
excellent range of educational software that is available, and by way of
cost saving.

This venture is being supported by a number of prominent hardware
manufacturers who are willing to supply demonstration machines.  I would
have thought that this might afford a useful opportunity for Dell in the

Kind regards,           Barry Drake.
Sent from my Dell Netbook using Ubuntu - the Windows-free environment
that gives me real fresh air.


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