On 21 June 2010 17:24, John Matthews <jake...@sky.com> wrote:
> It seems that the powers that be with Chrome and Chromium consider its
> not needed any more.
> http://googlechromereleases.blogspot...update_17.html

The url got truncated, I guess you mean:-


> Why do that, I miss the go button. Will anybody be doing an app to get
> it back, like there is in FF? Why is it the powers that be break things
> that dont need breaking.

I have been using a browser for ~years and I don't recall _ever_
hitting a go button. It seems so unnatural to me. I find I type stuff
then press [enter] or [tab] where appropriate to move to the next
field or enter the data I typed. I find it excruciating to watch
someone using a browser.

The definition of pain is watching as someone waits for msn.com to
load (they could hit stop, escape, or even change their home page),
then clicks the address bar once (they could click multiple times to
select all) then delete the url by holding down backspace (they could
just start typing over the top if they selected all as mentioned) and
then they type the _whole_ url including http:// (when all they really
need is domain.com) and then they lift their hand off the keyboard,
find the mouse, and move it to the go button and click.


Whereas I tend to press CTRL+T for new tab, type what I want, or just
a portion of it, wait for the browser to guess (correctly) or I type
the major part of the URL I need and select from a list then press
enter. So much faster.

People often say "how on earth did you find that so quickly!?". But
then never listen when I give them tips on faster browsing. Hey ho! :D



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