On Tue, 29 Jun 2010 22:08:45 +0100, Roy Jamison <xtee...@googlemail.com>  

> Hi all. Have been looking at the Ubuntu wiki and googled around for
> quite a while trying to find an answer but there doesn't appear to be
> anything concrete for linux regarding speech recognition programs.
> I mean, there are developer-only orientated things like sphinx and
> julius in our repos, but is there anything REALLY being worked on?
> It'd be a real shame if we had to use Windows payware products to
> accomplish something that we could probably build on at this stage,
> albeit average quality, but wouldn't it be better to have *something*
> rather than nothing?
> Anyway, the Vista/Win7 recognition is really craptastic, we could esaily
> do better!!
> Would like to hear peeps comments on this!
I think any attempt at a speech recognition system is an exercise in  
futility.  I’ve never come across one that is anywhere near working and  
given that humans have enough problems understanding each other at times,  
I seriously a computer will ever manage.

Steve (Yorvyk)


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