Sounds like a misinformed student! I'll make sure to correct him on that
next time I see him ;) (He's not exactly the brightest potato in the
field lol)

On Wed, 2010-06-30 at 15:45 +0100, Dan Attwood wrote:
>         On a lighter note, Mid-Kent College in Gillingham uses linux
>         servers
>         with Moodle on,
> says who? I'm working to move them to Ubuntu but at the moment they
> are on Windows. Oddly the main drive to shift them is that Mahara
> doesn't play nicely on IIS and I really want rid of the Xampp set-ups
> I've inherited
>         and moodle is packaged in the Ubuntu repositories so it
>         is already there.
> From experience I'd say it's not a good idea to use the Moodle version
> in the repos as an apt-get upgrade can break any custom changes. 
> if you want Moodle help though I can offer it depending on where you
> are and what help you want.
> Dan Attwood
> VLE Admin Midkent College


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