On 06/07/10 17:05, Paul Willis wrote:
> Hi
> Can anyone recommend any hardware that would be the equivalent to a Mac Mini 
> that is guaranteed to run Ubuntu 10.04 LTS as a headless server?
> Background:
> We are a Mac shop but are now using Ubuntu 10.04 on our production servers. 
> We would like to set up an Ubuntu 10.04 server in our office for development.
> We have a brand new Apple Mac Mini which would have been perfect but having 
> looked into it there's a bug/driver problem with the latest Macs with SATA 
> drives. While this is on the list to be fixed nobody knows how long this will 
> be so I think our best bet is to get a small PC for the purpose.
> I know nothing about PCs, what's available, what's dodgy, what will work 
> without problems with Ubuntu etc so I'm hoping someone here can point me in 
> the right direction. As mentioned - ideally we'd like the PC equivalent of a 
> Mac Mini. Small footprint, low power consumption, couple of GB of RAM, fairly 
> decent CPU, ethernet most important though is a fuss free Ubuntu install.
> As it will be run as a headless server great graphics capability isn't an 
> issue
> Any suggestions
> Paul

You might be worth having a look at some of the Dell systems, I believe 
the Zino is around the same sort of size as the Mac Mini and comes with 
a variety of CPUs and memory sizes.  I believe the Zino HD have the 
beefier CPUs (the standard Zino appears to have an Atom CPU).



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